Let’s take a moment to recognize who Judge Ural Glanville is and what the fuss is all about. Judge Ural Glanville is currently presiding over case 22SC183572 (a criminal RICO trial being heard in Fulton County, Georgia. District Attorney (currently facing her own ethics battles), Fani Willis is interested in wrapping this case up in 2025 and finding all the accused guilty as charged.

Unfortunately, for the case, Judge Glanville has already shown his bias by establishing and participating in an ex parte meeting with the prosecution (rumor has it that 14+ people attended the ex parte meeting). Glanville did not invite any of the defense lawyers or even mentioned that he might hold an ex parte meeting. Firstly, because it is unethical to participate in an ex parte meeting with only one side of the case and secondly, because it is illegal.

And when called out on having held the ex parte meeting by Brian Steel, a highly respected attorney for one of the defendants — rather than manage the situation, Glanville threw the lawyer in jail for having the audacity to bring it up. In other words, Glanville was not upset that he had conducted himself in an arbitrary manner — he was angry at being called out for it.

By having an ex parte meeting where he did not have the defense attorneys participate, the judge has made himself “a witness” in the case and clearly identified that he is biased and on the side of the prosecutors.

In spite of this error, he still demands to be recognized as the judge in this case and has refused to recuse himself by denying every motion that has been filed against him asking for his recusal. The Georgia Supreme Court had to step in and stop his sending Steel to jail. It truly was a ridiculous move on the judge’s part.

Who is Ural Glanville anyway? He’s a Brigadier General who is accustomed to getting his way and has never let anything serve as an obstacle to his goals. In the army, he had the last word in any argument. That is an admirable trait in the military but this is a criminal trial and this is not the military.

Ural Glanville, Chief Judge of the United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals, has a distinguished military background. He served in the United States Army Reserve for over 30 years, including two combat deployments. His legal career reflects the values instilled by the Army, including the Army Values, the Soldier’s creed, and the warrior ethos. Glanville’s mentorship and commitment to leadership have contributed to his success as both a judge and a military officer. While his military history may explain his character, it remains to be seen how it impacts his actions in the YSL RICO trial.

If they haven’t already, the judge’s bully tactics will eventuallly backfire. Strong arming works in the military but not on civilians.


S. Lester Tate III is the author of this (now famous) Writ of Mandamus filed in the YSL RICO trial being heard in Fulton County, Georgia.

Tate is a distinguished Trial Lawyer. who has left an indelible mark on Georgia’s legal landscape. As a member of Akin & Tate, Georgia’s oldest continuing law firm, he has dedicated his career to courtroom advocacy. With over one hundred civil and criminal cases tried to verdict, Tate’s reputation for excellence precedes him.

Tate authored a Writ of Mandamus in the Fulton County, Georgia YSL RICO trial. In this extraordinary legal maneuver, he seeks the removal of Judge Ural Glanville from the case. The Writ of Mandamus compels an official to perform a specific duty—here, ensuring a fair and impartial trial. Tate’s commitment to justice underscores his unwavering dedication to the legal profession.

Beyond the courtroom, Lester Tate engages in community and public affairs. His pro bono work, including representing Advocates for Children, exemplifies his commitment to making a positive impact. A native Georgian, he embodies the values of integrity, resilience, and service, leaving an indelible legacy in the legal community.