Richard “Dick” Simmons (1939–2024)


A Life of Laughter, Sweat, and Inspiration

Formerly of Oxford, Ohio | Richard Simmons, a man whose energy was as boundless as his heart, passed away peacefully surrounded by his children on Sunday, July 9th, after battling several serious health conditions. Born to\Dorothy and Cecil Simmons on July 7th, 1939, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Richard’s journey was one of resilience, compassion, and unwavering dedication.

The Fitness Dynamo

Richard’s legacy is etched in the sweat-soaked memories of millions. His eccentric personality and zest for life made him a household name. From the neon-clad workouts of “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” to the infectious enthusiasm he brought to every gym class, Richard inspired us to move, to laugh, and to believe in our own strength.

A Beacon of Positivity

Richard’s impact extended far beyond the gym. His trademark humor and genuine care for others touched hearts across generations. He wasn’t just a fitness coach; he was a motivator, a friend, and a beacon of positivity. His mantra? “You can do it!” And we believed him because he believed in us.

The Joy of Movement

Remember those leg warmers, the upbeat tunes, and Richard’s unmistakable voice urging us to “keep going!” He taught us that exercise wasn’t just about burning calories—it was about celebrating life. Richard’s infectious spirit turned mundane workouts into dance parties, and he reminded us that health was about more than numbers on a scale; it was about feeling alive.

Beyond the Gym

Richard authored books, released fitness videos (over 20 million copies sold!), and even had his own nationally syndicated series, “The Richard Simmons Show.” But his greatest achievement? The countless lives he transformed. He saw potential in everyone, whether they were seasoned athletes or complete beginners. His message was simple: “Love yourself, and the rest will follow.” Richard, like other gay men of his time, could not admit to being gay. He sadly stated that until the public changed their views, he did not dare “come out” for fear that his fans would come out against him and “booking agents” would not call him to appear on TV talk shows. Sadly, he had to contain his lifestyle to his private life.

A Recluse No More

In recent years, Richard became something of a recluse, but his impact remained. His birthday messages flooded social media, and fans around the world celebrated the man who had given them so much. His love for life never waned, even when his public appearances did.

Farewell, Richard

As we bid farewell to this extraordinary soul, let us remember Richard Simmons not with tears, but with a smile. Imagine him leading a joyful workout in the great beyond, leg warmers intact, cheering us on. His legacy lives on in every dance step, every giggle, and every “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” routine.

Richard, thank you for the laughter, the sweat, and the inspiration. You’ve left an indelible mark on our hearts.

“Keep moving, my friends!” With love, Your fans