GEORGE FORMAN 1949 – 2025




George Foreman: The Knockout King Who Also Sold You a Grill

It is with a heavy heart and a sizzling grill that we say goodbye to George Foreman, the two-time world heavyweight boxing champion, Olympic gold medalist, and unlikely household name—who forever changed both the sports world and our kitchens. George passed away at the age of 76, leaving behind a legacy of power punches, entrepreneurial spirit, and a line of products that made us rethink both dinner and fitness.

Born in 1949, Foreman’s journey from punching opponents in the ring to selling you a grill you never knew you needed was a testament to his knack for reinvention. After his legendary boxing career, George turned into an entrepreneur with a vengeance, marketing his infamous George Foreman Grill that promised to make us all “lean, mean, grilling machines.” And it worked—suddenly, we were all flipping burgers and chicken on a countertop appliance that didn’t require us to master the art of a full grill.

But George didn’t stop there. He went on to promote a myriad of products, from George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machines (a literal title that could double as a gym slogan), to George Foreman grills of every shape, size, and flavor (you probably have one gathering dust in your kitchen right now). Then there was his George Foreman Knockout Pain Relief, because who wouldn’t want to alleviate some pain from a guy who spent his entire career dishing it out?

Despite all these career shifts, George never lost sight of his roots—and his dedication to his family. Of course, if you were ever curious about what it’s like to be a Foreman, you’d only need to look at his children. Not one, not two, but all five of his sons proudly share the name “George” (or some variation thereof). In a move that can only be described as “maximally efficient parenting,” George gave the world George Foreman I, George Foreman II, George Foreman III, George Foreman IV, and—just for variety—George Foreman V. It was a family affair, and clearly, he had a one-size-fits-all approach to both naming and legacy.

As if that wasn’t enough, George also found time to appear on television, guest star in movies, and teach us all that boxing isn’t just about muscle—it’s about making a deal that’ll have your face on a grill as well as a championship belt.

So here’s to George Foreman—forever a champion in both the ring and the kitchen. He left a mark on the world not just by knocking out the competition, but by teaching us that grilling is a way of life and that sometimes, the greatest punch comes in the form of a well-cooked chicken breast.

Rest in peace, George—your legacy will live on in every bite of food we cook with your grill and every punch we throw at life’s challenges. Just hope none of your sons come to claim your grill royalties. You know they’re all named George, right?