Stock Photo ID: 288915872 - WASHINGTON, DC, USA - U. S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas sworn in White House. L-R: Barbara Bush, President Bush, Thomas, wife Virginia Lamp Thomas, Justice Byron White. October 18, 1991
SCOTUS Justices’ Beneficial Relationships with Billionaire Donors
Above image source Shutterstock photograph by Rob Crandall provided to SyndicatedNews. SNN.BZ Staff has compiled a series of videos explaining viewpoints from far and wide about Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife’s luxurious lifestyle that has been funded by ultra-wealthy entities. The gifts the Thomas couple have accepted make the corruption clear and unquestionable. The couple have accepted millions of dollars’ worth of gifts for decades.
If you view the videos posted here “together,” it will bring clarity to the questions circling Clarence Thomas and his wife Virginia’s over-the-top acceptance of millions of dollars’ worth of goods and services. These funds have been given to the couple by billionaires without question.