No longer a working royal and completely estranged from his family and childhood friends, Prince Harry who is completely unqualified, was named the Chief Impact Officer of a Mental Health Organization known as BetterUP of which Alexi Robichaux is CEO.
Harry is coming to grips with the real consequences of ignoring his own mental health symptoms while posing as a mental health professional.
BetterUp’s leadership must realize that Harry is completely out of his depth and should be forbidden from dabbling in any leadership role where he could possibly be asked to provide advice or psychological consulting. What if Harry coaches someone in his state of mind? Imagine the lawsuits!
Anyone witnessing Harry’s public tantrums can see that he suffers from significant long term psychological problems and that the only reason he was given the role at BetterUP is due to his own name recognition. Harry’s rants and raves have resulted in a total alienation by his friends and relatives.
According to several Body Language professionals such as Traci Brown (a body language expert who has analyzed the couple’s behavior) in an interview with The Sun1. Patti Wood, a body language expert who has analyzed the couple’s behavior in an interview with Express2 .Judi James is a body language expert who has analyzed the couple’s behavior in an interview with The Sun3.
his wife, American born Meghan Markle suffers from attachment disorder. It is a mood or behavioral disorder that affects the ability to form and maintain relationships. Attachment disorders are common in children but can occur in adults. These disorders typically develop in childhood 1. 2. 3. Another behavior noted by multiple Body Language experts and relationship psychologists is alienation, called isolation. It is a form of abuse where one partner isolates the other from friends and family12. It is a common phenomenon found in abusive relationships1.
1. 2.
Harry and 100 others are suing the Mirror Group Newspapers for phone-hacking claims dating back almost 20 years. He accuses the press and the government of being at “rock bottom” in his High Court privacy case against Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN). The Duke of Sussex lashed out at Britain’s “rock bottom” government and struggled to prove his phone-hacking claims in a landmark court appearance. He even accuses the tabloids of hacking his phone when he had none.