A serious discussion between Brian Steel and Judge Whitaker has proven to be historical. The previous judge, Ural Glanville, and prosecutors Hylton and Love considered themselves “a team,” with Glanville dangerously referring to himself and the prosecutors as “we.”

Before being recused, Glanville lied to Kenneth Copeland and threatened to keep him in jail until all the YSL trial’s court cases were tried, which could take years.

Here are some of the motions for mistrials submitted in the YSL RICO case:

  • Brian Steel (representing Young Thug) filed a motion for a mistrial during the opening statements due to a dispute over hearsay evidence presented by Chief Deputy District Attorney Adrianne Love.
  • Douglas Weinstein and E. Jay Abt (representing Deamonte “Yak Gotti” Kendrick) filed a motion for a mistrial on July 23, 2024, citing a secret, ex-parte meeting between the court and prosecutors held on June 10.
  • Brian Steel filed another motion for a mistrial in August 2024, after Judge Ural Glanville was recused from the case.

The most troubling aspect of this case is the misuse of multi-million dollar Department of Justice funds by District Attorney Fani Lewis, who refuses to account for them. Additionally, there are millions in Civil Asset Forfeiture funds that remain unaccounted for.

The prosecutors use terminology that the defendants do not understand, leading to incorrect responses. Worse, hundreds of black men are held in Fulton jails, pulled in as the trial drags on, simply for knowing one of the defendants or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The YSL case is a blatant display of black-on-black racism. Despite receiving millions from the Department of Justice, Fulton County continues to incarcerate these men without charges.

These formal motions for mistrial do not account for the numerous verbal requests made in court. Glanville, Hylton, and Love have violated Kenneth Copeland’s human rights and those of hundreds of other black men by keeping them incarcerated without charges, violating their right to a speedy trial.

Allowing these men to sit in jail without charges provides the prosecutors with a pool of potential defendants who may have nothing to do with the YSL trial. Innocent men who merely enjoy YSL music are being arrested and held without charges.

As of now, 503 men in the Fulton County jail have never been charged or brought before a judge.

Adrianne Love does not respect any judge’s ruling in the YSL case. She blatantly yelled at Judge Glanville and disregards Judge Whitaker’s rulings, asserting that her boss is Fani Willis and there will be no mistrial, despite the case being a clear example of one. This case is likely to be overturned on appeal.

Something is very wrong when a prosecutor does not respect any judge hearing the YSL case. Her goal is to avoid a mistrial at all costs, making this case fodder for Netflix.



Fani Willis and her prosecutors are keeping hundreds of men in their local Fulton County Jail. Those men have never seen a judge, and some have been in that jail for up to five years. Millions of dollars have come into Fulton County and been accepted by Fani Willis. She has prohibited her court clerks and her custodian of records from speaking, testifying, or providing anything. Additionally, all those Department of Justice millions were accepted by Fani Willis, along with millions taken as Civil Asset Forfeitures. Willis refuses to identify how she’s used that money. She says that as a constitutionally elected official, she does not recognize Congressional subpoenas or Georgia Senate subpoenas.

Fani Willis says that SHE ANSWERS TO NO ONE. This is the biggest case of systematic racism being perpetrated by Black people on Black people after having hidden multi-millions of dollars which she won’t account for.