Fernando Pérez Algaba dismemberment 6 in custody

By SNN.BZ staff
Above Image Source: Instagram: The notorious dismemberment case in Argentina of Fernando Pérez Algaba has brought the Buenos Aires law enforcement authorities transgender woman, Nicole Alma Chamorro whose attorneys are Marcelo Ponce and Leonardo Cáceres. Chamorro was released and seven others have been arrested in the assassination of Fernando Pérez Algaba.
Seven have been accused.
Missing since July 19, Fernando Pérez Algaba, was found when young men in their 30’s came across Algaba’s dismembered remains which began surfacing along the shore of the stream known as “Ingeniero Budge,” in the town of Lomas de Zamora in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Children did not find the remains as reported earlier by other media. Image below source: Buenos Aires Detective’s and Forensic Squad.

Forensic examiners found three bullet holes in his cranium where Algaba had been shot at close range in the back near his shoulders before being dismembered.

Image above, source Instagram: Fernando Pérez Algaba took this selfie of himself and his mother (her name is unknown at this time). He was a millionaire influencer and crypto tycoon from Barcelona, Spain but he rented an apartment in Argentina. At the age of 14, he started his career as a “panchero,” (a street vendor who sells hot dogs and sandwiches).
His spouse (found in legal records) is named María José López, his daughter’s name is Valentina and his son’s name is Mateo.
“Lechuga” as he was known, made his fortune in the cryptocurrency industry. He was active on social media, particularly Instagram, where he now has 924,000 followers (his social media followers have grown in number since he was discovered dead).
He frequently boasted about his luxury lifestyle, and posted photos of himself driving expensive cars, flying in private jets and steering expensive luxury yachts.
He was found dismembered on July 26, 2023, after being missing since July 19, 2023.
His death has shocked many, and has led to a murder investigation by the police2. At the time of publishing this article, there is no information about any woman claiming to be his girlfriend, lover or wife1. His most recent girlfriend’s father is serving a prison sentence for drug dealing.
While Algaba worked in the cryptocurrency world and dabbled the used luxury car business in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Madrid, Spain and Miami, Florida he also suffered from an addiction to gambling. He owed over a million dollars to numerous creditors based in multiple countries.
Authorities in various countries are investigating “How Fernando Perez Algaba managed to get in and out of so many countries he visited (even the United States). More importantly, authorities are questioning how he traveled so smoothly undetected by the FAA and or even Homeland Security. He flew literally under the radar by flying in an unlicensed Jet. The jet is not licensed to fly nor does it appear on the Argentine Federal Aviation Registry of aircraft.

The primary airplane Fernando Perez Algaba flew most often to Miamii has the tail numbers of LV-JWP. The plane is currently “booted” at the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport in Florida because the owner of the airplane, Gaston Emmanuel Kokler, an Argentine national (formerly CEO of Give&Get) owes the airport $16,000.00 USD. U.S. Real Estate records show Kokler resided in Connecticut. Below: Image Source: LinkedIn.

He was a cryptocurrency influencer that began his career as a pizza delivery man, then became a used luxury car salesman in Miami Beach, Florida.
Lechuga earned a great deal of money selling used luxury cars then moved up to cryptocurrency.
His brother, Rodolfo Pérez Algaba, told news media that the 2 bullets to the brain is a routine method used when settling a score related to debts but that he is stunned by the act of dismemberment. He states that his brother’s regular sales activity involved automobiles. He also states that his brother tried his hand at cryptocurrency but that his crypto business failed. He continued, that his deceased brother, their mother and he live off the family inheritance they receive from his late father and husband.

Image above, source Instagram: Fernando Pérez Algaba
Lechuga presented himself as a millionaire. However, while he owned three companies, one of his companies was in deebt, the other was accused of fraud, the other had no tax identification number.
Lechuga owed money to several people in relation to his failed cryptocurrency business and they had been demanding refunds. One of the voicemail messages left on his WhatsAPP account was from a man named Iglesias demanding a refund. The voicemail can be heard on the videos on this page. They are strongly worded but in Spanish.

Image above, source Instagram: Fernando Pérez Algaba’s French Bull Dog was found alive and unhurt. The dog has a chip which which allow the authorities to trace Perez Algaba’s last steps.
A well known leader of a criminal enterprise by the name of “Iglesias” left voice mail messages saying “I’m going to kill you. I’m going to do something worse to you. I’m going to gouge out your eyes and cut off your hands so that you can’t have any more in your life. I swear on my children that I have no objection to going to jail.”
The automobile Fernando Pérez Algaba’s rented while he was visiting Buenos Aires has also surfaced. Below image source: Buenos Aires Police Department.

The most recent update in this case is related to Nicol Alma Chamorro. She is a 35-year-old transgender woman who was arrested in connection with the murder of Fernando Pérez Algaba.
His remains were found in an Ingeniero Budge stream in Buenos Aires province1.
She is currently being held at the Roberto Pettinato Departmental Jail in La Plata1.
The two suspects of the dismemberment of Fernando Pérez Algaba are Nahuel Vargas and Maximiliano Pilepich. The transgender, known as Nicol Alma Chamorro was left for the police to “find” with a suitcase that was filled with relative’s documents. Chamorro’s interview upon release can be viewed in the following video below.