Answering BCR questions…

We have received Facebook rants from about 6 or 7 similar names that all trace back to the same IP address. That person’s information plus all the other participants that work with this individual foolishly post their names on Facebook. All names and accounts were promptly provided to the Australian Federal Police by several customers who were upset that they did not become rich overnight. Their anger stemmed from having paid a few cents per coin with plans of cashing them out for thousands.
Either way, whomever uses this lion’s head avatar on Facebook took it upon him or herself to post a message on Facebook which is not at all informational about a cryptocurrency by the name of BCR.
We were a BCR customer like any other customer. We have never owned the BCR coin but tried for years to make it viable. Since we got no cooperation, we walked away.

One of the Australian salesmen we remember, was the son of a well known Australian minister. And just like any other bad poker player, he had “a tell”. His giveaway was that whenever he lied, he would preface the lie by saying “the Lord had just spoken to him”. He was responsible for the Mercuriex debacle (where the owner posted BCR without a contract against our will).

Without a contract or agreement of any kind, Mercuriex took BCR and listed it. Mercuriex folk didn’t care what the coin sold for because they made their earnings from sales transactions. The second in command at Mercuriex (rather than take the entire fall for the matter) wrote his confession on Mercuriex company letterhead and sent it to us. Australian authorities even have one of several bank videos showing a sales woman depositing cash into a BCR salesman’s personal account. Here is the link where you should file your report:
We remember the bank deposit story because the next day, that salesman to which a superannuation fund was deposited in his account, showed up in a $280,000 souped up Mercedes.
We have moved on to GHR, a humanitarian coin for the benefit of the unbanked. We have studied many cryptocurrency coins. Some fared better than others but when BCR wasn’t viable, we simply walked away.
GHR is a legitimate respectable corporation that has always followed and respected the law. GHR has nothing to do with BCR. I, enjoyed BCR the same way I enjoyed thirty or forty other cryptocurrencies. Anyone suggesting otherwise will face consequences. Normally I remain silent about these matters but sometimes you have to face these matters directly as I’m doing now.
Ruth DiTucci
CEO, Global Humanitarian Reserve