By SNN.BZ Staff Writer
82,000+ Boy Scouts (and Girl Scouts) were able to state such factual, precise and descriptive details about their sexual abuse at the hands of Boy Scout and Girl Scout Leaders, that the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Kiwanis International organizations had to file bankruptcy in order to pay the sexual lawsuits.
Even with filing bankruptcy, the amounts of the lawsuits are far larger than their real estate is worth. Within the Boy Scouts, sexual abuse has been going on for 80+ years.
Why did families hand their kids over to these youth organizations?
Because the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts served as baby-sitters allowing parents to have a couple of hours off during the week. Moms would get their hair done or go shopping.. Families loved having their kids taken out of the house for a week or so! The practice of handing kids over to Scout Leaders or Priests became a well known practice and the public didn’t see any harm in it (sexual abuse was well disguised).

The Kiwanis International, the Boyscouts of America and the Catholic church’s sexual assault lawsuits are at the mult-billion dollar range.
Historically, it was routine for Catholic priests to lead and entertain Catholic youth groups, choirs, sports teams and Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and they frequently used Kiwanis owned camp site properties under the guise of traning the children.
The financial aspect of this tragedy is rarely spoken of publicly but case law files can be found in the DOCUMENTS section of the Boy Scouts Lawsuit Database. Here at SyndicatedNews we don’t take sides. We merely provide readers with verifiable proof provided by the abusers and their lawyers themselves: Click the Boy Scouts banner below to access details. Note: Locations, dates and times of sexual assault incidents and the perpetrator details have been categorized and proven. The database does not hold speculative or insinuative material. All contents have satisfied the State and Federal investigative standards.

Globally, within the last 5 or 6 years, the Kiwanis Clubs sexual assault lawsuits are as massive and as widespread internationally as the Catholic Church sexual assault lawsuits.
The public is unaware that the Boy Scout lawsuit cash settlement amounts have very specific purposes. The plan is to split the settlement amounts (that have already grown past $2.7 billion and are expected to grow upwards of $4 Billion) into two purposes. To read details click here.

One tragic location used for swimming lessons and sexual assault by Fleetwood Peeples, Sr. (whom associated himself with Rollins College as the Aquatics Director) is an 8-acre property located at 1925 Killarney Drive, Winter Park, Florida 32789.
The property was supposed to have been sold by now as a residential parcel but the people involved in the current Kiwanis Foundation have not seen fit to sell it yet.

The entire neighborhood wants the 1925 Killarney Drive parcel to revert to a residential property so it will fit in with the rest of the homes on the street. The Kiwanis International organization not only has “non profit” status but it also owns the property outright. The neighbors have had a formal meeting asking the Kiwanis to sell the property so that a proper home can be built on the site.
Foundation Kiwanis International has paid out over $77 million in sexual assault settlements worldwide (and that is just for the cases that have come forward). This includes settlements reached with victims of abuse at the Kiwanis Vocational Home in Centralia, Washington, as well as settlements reached with victims of abuse at other Kiwanis-affiliated facilities.
To avoid this tragedy from happening again, Kiwanis International and other youth-serving organizations must take a number of steps, including:
- Strengthening background checks and screening procedures for employees and volunteers.
- Providing comprehensive training on child sexual abuse prevention and reporting for all employees and volunteers.
- Creating a culture of safety and openness, where children feel comfortable reporting abuse without fear of retaliation.
- Implementing clear and concise policies and procedures for responding to allegations of abuse.
In addition, parents and caregivers can play a role in preventing child sexual abuse by talking to their children about sexual safety and encouraging them to report any abuse they experience.
Here are some specific tips for parents and caregivers:
- Start talking to your children about sexual safety at a young age.
- Teach your children the proper names for their body parts and explain that no one is allowed to touch them in private places without their permission.
- Tell your children that they have the right to say no to any touch that makes them uncomfortable.
- Encourage your children to come to you if they are ever touched or abused by someone.
- Reassure your children that you will believe them, take their side and help them if they tell you about abuse.
By taking these steps, we can help to create a safer environment for all children.
The 1925 Killarney Drive property in Winter Park, Florida must be sold immediately. As a property still owned by the Kiwanis, society is building a war against the many victims that were brutalized on that property and whom still live in the neighborhood or nearby.