Before Caroline Kennedy goes off publicly badmouthing any more of her relatives and slinging mud on her own family legacy (she hates her cousin Robert F. Kennedy), she should be reminded that her own father, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, rented entire hotel floors at whatever hotel he was staying in so that his multiple women could take their turn with him while her mother, Jacquie, John John (may he rest in peace)and Caroline herself slept in the next room.
And we can’t forget Grandpa Joe, the bootlegger. “Then there’s Teddy Kennedy, who got involved with a girl and let her drown in the back seat of his car after he drove it into theChappaquiddick.
Then there is William “Billy” Kennedy, the son of Robert F. Kennedy. Billy was driving and killed his 15-year-old neighbor, Pamela Kelley, when they were teens. They were in a car together when he crashed the vehicle. Pamela Kelley died from her injuries.
Then there was the matter of William Kennedy Smith, another member of the Kennedy family. Smith was accused of raping a woman in Central Park, NY, in 1991. Good lawyering got him acquitted, and he went on to become a physician after the trial.
Then there was the other Kennedy cousin, Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy who had a reputation for being rebellious, though her struggles with substance abuse and tumultuous relationships were often discussed in the context of her tragic life. She was the second female Kennedy known as “Kick.”
Kick loved her drugs, her men and her liquor. She wasn’t helping indigenous people in Mexico as the Kennedys implied in her obituary. She was having sidewalk sex with strangers in Merida, Mexico.
And Maria Shriver, shouldn’t be encouraging Caroline Kennedy to play the “holier than thou” Personna Tragica role in this saga. Sounds like both these gals are upset that Robert Kennedy Jr. is getting some serious attention.
And Maria seems to have forgotten that Arnold Schwarzenegger was knee-deep into Mildred Baena while she was living in their home.
In fact, Mildred was pregnant with Arnold’s son Joseph during the exact same time Maria was pregnant with Arnold’s son Patrick and she didn’t even know it until neighbors remarked just how much Mildred’s baby “looked just like Arnold.”
This short story would make a great novel except that all of it is true and we left the really salacious stuff out.
We think the Kennedy gals should have a taste of what it’s like when family members turn on each other weaponizing social media to do it. Relatives are more dangerous than friends considering relatives know all of one’s childhood family secrets.
This isn’t posted to embarrass anyone (Caroline handled that quite spectacuarly with her video). This material has been posted to remind Caroline and Maria, just how bad and how quickly things can get when you rip your relatives up publicly. We’re not related so we don’t have a horse in this race.
It only shows how exploited these two gals feel and how bitter they have become.
Caroline publishing that awful video about her cousin makes her eligible for a seat on THE VIEW. Caroline served as U.S. Ambassador to Japan and then Australia. It’s a shame that she doesn’t focus on that instead.
It’s unfortunate that both Caroline Kennedy and Maria Shriver hate their cousin so much that they’ll go online talking about how they remember him as a teenager making rodent soup for his pets. What was that little mention for? For PETA? Do you want to get PETA on his back too?
Love him or hate him, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has a great deal to offer the position he’s been nominated for. He will do great things. He doesn’t just have “book” know-how, he’s also armed with every day common sense and logic too.
There is already enough opposition to people the President wants on his cabinet. The last thing your cousin needs is you two hens openly disparaging him.
And both of you are still young enough that some corporation, charity or institution might still want to engage either of you for your advice at this stage of your lives. Unfortunately for both of you, the time hasn’t seasoned you with reason or grace.
By coming out against your cousin in such a public “social media” way, you only reflected attention on yourselves and let the public know just how spiteful and petty you two really are.
We remember clearly when Caroline Kennedy vouched for one of her cousins when she wanted Obama to add him to his democratic cabinet. She recommended him highly.
Caroline Kennedy and Maria Shriver are both church goers. They should go to church and ask God to pray that evil out of them. By publicly going after their cousin, they’ve accomplished nothing other than telling the world that they’re jealous of him and have only disgraced themselves.